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Shell Sort

The idea of Shell Sort is that Insertion Sort is inefficient because elements only move one position at a time, even when we know that they have a long way to go. The idea of Shell Sort is to move elements several positions at a time, and once it reaches the end it decreases the step by which it moves the elements until the step equals one, i.e h-sorting the array.

A still open problem for Shell Sort is what increment sequence to use. One that is easy to compute and gives good results is h = 3h + 1.

Time complexity

The worst-case number of compares used by Shell Sort with 3h + 1 increments is O(N3/2), but in practice is much less than that - it is very vast unless the array is huge.

N.B The analysis of Shell Sort is still open.

Sample typescript implementation for sorting numbers in ascending order.

function shellSort(numbers: number[]): void {
  let h = 1;

  // Compute the h step; h = 3h + 1;
  while (h < numbers.length / 3) h = 3 * h + 1;

  while (h > 0) {
    for (let i = h; i < numbers.length; i++) {
      for (let j = i; j - h >= 0; j -= h) {
        if (numbers[j] < numbers[j - h]) {
          // Swap them
          const tmp = numbers[j];
          numbers[j] = numbers[j - h];
          numbers[j - h] = tmp;
        } else {
          // All the elements on the left are less than
          // continue to the next item
    h = h / 3;